Translation and Transfer of Knowledge in Encyclopedic Compilations 1680-1830



Information publiée le vendredi 29 mars 2013 par Vincent Ferré (source : Alex Demeulenaere)

Du 12 avril 2013 au 13 avril 2013, Los Angeles, UCLA, William Andrews Clark Library – Facility 

Translation and Transfer of Knowledge in Encyclopedic Compilations 1680-1830

Organized by Clorinda Donato, California State University, Long Beach and Hans-Jürgen Lüsebrink, Universität des Saarlandes

Co-sponsored by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG)


April 12-13, 2013

William Andrews Clark Memorial Library




Friday, April 12

9:00 a.m.         Van transports participants from hotel to Clark Library

9:30 a.m.         Morning Coffee and Registration

10:00 a.m.       Clorinda Donato, California State University, Long Beach                                                                       and Hans-Jürgen Lüsebrink, Universität des Saarlandes

Welcome and Opening Remarks

Session I: Knowledge Transfer and the Compiler-Translator’s Challenge

Moderator:  Clorinda Donato, California State University, Long Beach

Hans-Jürgen Lüsebrink, Universität des Saarlandes

Savary Des Bruslons’ Dictionnaire Universel de Commerce: Translations and Adaptations

Alain Cernuschi, University of Lausanne

The Cultural and Esthetic Challenges of Translating English and German Articles on the Performing Arts in French Eighteenth-Century Encyclopedias

11:30 a.m.       Coffee break


11:50 a.m.       Session II: Adapting, Adopting, Educating, and Training: Crafting Knowledge Transfer in the Dutch Republic

Moderator: Gail Hart, University of California, Irvine

Ina U. Paul, Freie University Berlin & Bundeswehr University Munich

Camels in the Alps.  Translations, transfer and adoption processes in Dutch Encyclopedias

Arianne Baggerman, University of Amsterdam

Long haul: The Troublesome Publication of the first Dutch Complete Description of Trades and Occupations (1788-1820)

1:00 p.m.         Lunch

2:00 p.m.         Session III:  Translating and Transmitting Specialization: Transnational   Knowledge, the Encyclopédie méthodique, and Late Eighteenth-Century Compilations

Moderator:  Cynthia Stanphill, University of California, Los Angeles

Kathleen Hardesty Doig, Georgia State University

Translations in the Encyclopédie méthodique

Clorinda Donato, California State University, Long Beach

Branding Knowledge through Transfer and Translation: The Encyclopédie méthodique in Italy and Spain

Luigi Delia, Univerité Jean Moulin Lyon 3

The Migration of Beccaria’s Penal Ideas in Encyclopedic Compilations (1770-1789)

3:45 p.m.         Coffee break


4:00 p.m.         Session IV: Knowledge Transfer for Popular Audiences in Nineteenth-Century                               Compilations

Moderator:  Patrick Coleman, University of California, Los Angeles

Iwan-Michelangelo D’Aprile, University of Potsdam

Transfer and Popularization of Knowledge: Brockhaus’ Conversations-Lexiconin the early 19th Century

Jeff Loveland, University of Cincinnati

Two French Konversationslexika of the 1830s and 1840s: The Dictionnaire de la conversation et de la lecture and the Encyclopédie des gens du monde

5:15 p.m.         Reception

6:00 p.m.         Van transports participants to hotel

Saturday, April 13

9:00 a.m.         Van transports participants from hotel to Clark Library

9:30 a.m.         Morning Coffee and Registration

10:00 a.m.       Session V: Shapes, Shadows and Shades of Gray: Form and Content in                                            Transculturation

Moderators: Clorinda Donato, California State University, Long Beach
and Hans-Jürgen Lüsebrink, Universität des Saarlandes

Susan Greilich, Regensburg University

“Compiling based on translations – Notes on Raynal’s and Diderot’s work on the Histoire des deux Indes

Ulrich Schneider, Leipzig University (paper to be read by Clorinda Donato)

Johann Heinrich Zedler and the Challenge of Creating a Proper Encyclopedic Article in Mid-Eighteenth Century Germany

Karen Struve, Bremen University (paper to be read by Hans-Jürgen Lüsebrink)

Barbarians in the Archive: Transfers of Knowledge of the Colonial Other in the Encyclopédie of Diderot and d’Alembert

12:30 p.m.       Program concludes

Van transports participants to hotel


Responsable : Clorinda Donato, California State University, Long Beach et Hans-Jürgen Lüsebrink, Universität des Saarlandes


Diderot e l’Italia

Diderot e l’Italia

Roma, Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, 23-25 gennaio 2014
Colloquio franco-italiano
Organizzatori: Società italiana di studi sul secolo XVIII, Société française d’Étude du 18e siècle
Patrocinio: Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei
Partecipano: Università di Paris III-Sorbonne nouvelle, Paris IV-Paris-Sorbonne, Roma I Sapienza, Roma II Tor Vergata
Il colloquio si aprirà il 23 gennaio alle ore 14 presso l’Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei (via della Lungara, 10 – 00165 Roma).
Call for papers entro il 30 settembre 2013
Comitato organizzativo e contatti: Beatrice Alfonzetti (SISSD; Jacques Berchtold (Sfeds ;, Christian Del Vento (Sfeds ;, Silvia Tatti (SISSD;
Comitato scientifico : Beatrice Alfonzetti (Roma I-Sapienza; Società italiana di studi sul secolo XVIII); Jacques Berchtold (Société française d’Étude du 18e siècle ; Uni Paris-Sorbonne); Michel Delon (Société française d’Étude du 18e siècle ; Uni Paris-Sorbonne); Christian Del Vento (Uni Paris3-Sorbonne nouvelle ; Société française d’Étude du 18e siècle); Marina Formica (Roma II-Tor Vergata; Società italiana di studi sul secolo XVIII); Rolando Minuti (Università di Firenze; Società italiana di studi sul secolo XVIII); Paolo Quintili (Roma II-Tor Vergata; Società italiana di studi sul secolo XVIII); Jean-Paul Sermain (Uni Paris3-Sorbonne nouvelle); Silvia Tatti (Roma I-Sapienza; Società italiana di studi sul secolo XVIII ); Roberta Turchi (Università di Firenze, Società italiana di studi sul secolo XVIII).
Diderot non è mai stato in Italia: questo appuntamento mancato può essere oggetto di studio e di interrogativi, se si considera che durante il Settecento il viaggio in Italia era quasi una tappa obbligata per chi s’interessava all’arte. Nella fattispecie Diderot accenna spesso ai cursus di formazione degli artisti e alla loro diretta esperienza dell’arte italiana. Nel Salons commisura molte delle produzioni francesi a lui contemporanee con quelle dei grandi pittori italiani che egli conosceva bene.
Anche in lui, fine ellenista e latinista, l’Antichità romana resta l’oggetto centrale di riflessione all’interno di ogni ambito: artistico, filosofico, delle scienze naturali e del riformismo politico. In un contesto culturale che vede le polemiche fra “francesi” e “italiani” fra cui la nota “Querelle des Bouffons”, Diderot è mosso dall’intento di riformare il teatro: la sua teoria sull’attore è stata influenzata dalla Commedia dell’arte. E la stessa presenza a Parigi di Carlo Goldoni costituisce per Diderot un forte motivo di emulazione. L’Italia inoltre è molto presente nell’Encyclopédie: significativa è la rete di relazione fra molti collaboratori dell’Encyclopédie e un numero non trascurabile di riformatori italiani: questo è un aspetto che andrebbe approfondito e studiato. Qui si ricordano i due esempi più noti: l’incontro di Diderot con l’abate Galiani e con Cesare Beccaria. In particolare Beccaria venne tradotto in Francia (l’abbé Morellet, Traité des délits et des peinesRecherches sur le style). Il colloquio intende soffermarsi, inoltre, anche sulla precoce ricezione dell’Encyclopédie e delle opere di Diderot in Italia, studiandone la fortuna e le traduzioni.
Temi e spunti
‒ Gli amici italiani di Diderot
‒ Diderot e l’Antichità romana
‒ Diderot e la tradizione dei racconti di viaggio in Italia
‒ Diderot, l’attore e la Commedia dell’Arte
‒ Diderot e Goldoni
‒ Diderot e il dramma borghese italiano
‒ Diderot e i pittori italiani
‒ Diderot e l’immagine dell’Italia nella pittura
‒ Diderot e la musica italiana
‒ La conoscenza della letteratura italiana
‒ L’Italia nell’Encyclopédie
‒ Rapporti fra i direttori dell’Encyclopédie e gli intellettuali italiani
‒ Beccaria e i fratelli Verri
‒ Diderot e Cesare Beccarla
‒ Dideor e l’abate Galiani
‒ Diderot e la censura
‒ Edizioni italiane dell’Encyclopédie
‒ Edizioni italiane delle opere di Diderot
Si prevedono 20 interventi, dieci della Società italiana di studi sul secolo XVIII e dieci della Société française d’Étude du 18e siècle.
I soci devono inviare le loro proposte entro il 30 settembre 2013. Le proposte italiane saranno vagliate da un apposito comitato scientifico della Società italiana di studi sul secolo XVIII. I soci che interverranno con una relazione si devono impegnare a inviare entro il 31 ottobre una sintesi del loro intervento (cinque cartelle) che sarà tradotta e distribuita ai relatori e al pubblico francesi.

International Conference “The Radical Enlightenment: The Big Picture and its Details” (16-17 May 2013, Brussels)

International Conference “The Radical Enlightenment: The Big Picture and its Details” (16-17 May 2013, Brussels)

International Conference “The Radical Enlightenment: The Big Picture and its Details” (16-17 May 2013, Brussels)

Posté par paolanicolas Le 21/03/2013 @ 22:09 Dans call for papers,WorkshopsConferencesSummer Schools | Pas de commentaire

The international conference ‘The Radical Enlightenment: The Big Picture and its Details’ seeks to bring together state-of-the-art research on the so-called ‘Radical Enlightenment’, which refers to a distinct yet multi-faceted line of thought within the Enlightenment movement that puts great emphasis on – inter alia – political reform and activism, personal freedom, social equality, and critique of religion. The objectives of this conference are: to push forward our historical and philosophical understanding of the ‘Radical Enlightenment’, to identify important figures (materialists, atheists, freethinkers, Spinozists, pantheists, freemasons, philosophes, etc.) within the Radical Enlightenment and to unravel their significance and influence, to understand the origins and spread of the Radical Enlightenment (with attention to correspondence networks and communities, manuscripts, pamphlets, clandestine literature, etc.), and to reflect on the impact of the Radical Enlightenment on contemporary thinking. We welcome general historical and philosophical contributions and detailed case-studies of both well-known and lesser known figures.  


‘The Radical Enlightenment: The Big Picture and its Details’ is organized by the Centre for Ethics and Humanism [1] and the Centre for Logic and Philosophy of Science [2], which are both part of the Department of Philosophy and Moral Sciences [3] at the Free University of Brussels [4] (Vrije Universiteit Brussel). The conference has been made possible by funding from the Research Foundation – Flanders [5] (Fonds voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek – Vlaanderen) and VisitBrussels [6].  

Invited speakers

We are proud to announce the following invited speakers: 

Jonathan I. Israel [7] (Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton)
Beth Lord [8] (Department of Philosophy, University of Aberdeen)
Eric Schliesser [9] (Department of Philosophy and Moral Sciences, Ghent University)
Winfried Schröder [10] (Institut für Philosophie, Philipps-Universität Marburg)
Wiep van Bunge [11] (Faculty of Philosophy, Erasmus University Rotterdam)
Else Walravens [12] (Department of Philosophy and Moral Sciences, Free University of Brussels)

Call for papers 

We welcome contributed papers that fall within the scope of the conference. Abstracts consisting of 500 words should be sent as a .doc or .docx file to [13]. A separate sheet containing the author’s affiliation should be included. 30 minutes are allotted to contributed papers (including Q&A). The deadline for submission is 31 March 2013. Notification of acceptance will be given by 5 April 2013. A selection of the presented papers will be published afterwards.


University Foundation, Egmontstraat 11, B-1000 Brussels, Belgium


The conference fee is 150 EURO (this includes the conference dinner). Authors whose paper has been accepted will receive further information with regards to registration and accommodation via e-mail.  

Scientific committee 

Herman De Dijn (University of Leuven), Steffen Ducheyne (Free University of Brussels), Jonathan I. Israel (Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton), Willem Lemmens (University of Antwerp), Eric Schliesser (Ghent University), Winfried Schröder (Philipps-Universität Marburg), Jean Paul Van Bendegem (Free University of Brussels), Wiep van Bunge (Erasmus University Rotterdam), Maarten Van Dyck (Ghent University), Geert Van Eekert (University of Antwerp), Karl Verstrynge (Free University of Brussels), and Else Walravens (Free University of Brussels).

Organizing committee

Patrick Allo (Free University of Brussels), Steffen Ducheyne (Free University of Brussels), Jens Ottuy (Free University of Brussels), Jean Paul Van Bendegem (Free University of Brussels), Stephanie Van Droogenbroeck (Free University of Brussels),Wim Van Moer (Free University of Brussels), Karl Verstrynge (Free University of Brussels), and Else Walravens (Free University of Brussels).




La saison Voltaire 2013 est dédiée au tricentenaire de la naissance, à Langres, de Denis Diderot.


“Il vient un temps où toutes les cendres sont mêlées. Alors, que m’importera d’avoir été Voltaire ou Diderot, et que ce soient vos trois syllabes ou les trois miennes qui restent ?

Il faut travailler, il faut être utile aux hommes“.

Diderot à Voltaire, 19 février 1758.


… Être utile aux hommes, est le thème de la XIe saison Voltaire qui se décline en musique, théâtre, conférences… alors que l’année 2013 commémore le tricentenaire de la naissance de Denis Diderot. Programmation en partenariat avec la ville de Langres.


La plaquette de saison … Être utile aux hommes est disponible toute l’année à la mairie de Ferney-Voltaire et à l’office de tourisme du Pays de Voltaire.